Saturday, February 14, 2009

Moment in Time

you is like a
frozen moment in time
and I swear my heart skips a beat
while the taste buds on my tongue release sighs
and the moment you pull away
I can't wait till next time
our mouths are


Dave said...


Vivian aka Deborah said...

Thank you dave...this form, when centered, forms a diamond shape and it is called a rictameter.

A rictameter is a nine line poetry form. The 1st and last lines are the same with the syllable count as follows:

# line 1 - 2 syllables - same as line 9
# line 2 - 4 syllables
# line 3 - 6 syllables
# line 4 - 8 syllables
# line 5 - 10 syllables
# line 6 - 8 syllables
# line 7 - 6 syllables
# line 8 - 4 syllables
# line 9 - 2 syllables - same as line 1

Try one! : )

LR Photography said...

May be a kiss with a chocolate taste!
The words are nice indeed.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

chocolate???? did somebody say....CHOCOLATE? mmmm