Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Winter Icicles

Winter icicles smile smoothly
and I shiver.
Then I imagine your warmth-
an amazing storm!
Fondly you feed this fire
madly inside.
Blankets warm loosely-
you snuggle up.
An outrageous December!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Light

If ever I should lose my way
on a snowy covered road.
Never will I fear and tremble,
knowing You carry the load.

When winter's cold seeps into bones,
and flesh calls me to sin--
On bended knee to You I'll pray--
with You I'll always win.

O bright planet, shine down on me
this cold December night.
You're right on time, to show the way,
and chase away my fright.

You look just like a star, one night
that guided years ago.
To promise ever lasting life--
and keep me from my woe!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Morning Song

The birds in spring are up at the crack of dawn
singing for all, their morning song.
And the sweet fragrance of lilac
fill the morning air.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Winter Morning

Slowly leaving a peaceful state,
awakening to a deafening silence,
with an odd glow peering through blinds.
Chilling air touches skin,
as blankets get tossed aside.
Stepping over to the window,
sun-lover curiously opens the blinds.
Gasp of surprise breaks the silence.
Countless number of brilliant white flakes,
all collected quietly during the night.
Still floating down without a sound.
No wind disturbs their travel.
Each unique in its' own design.
Stacks on the ground in massive quantity.
With no urgency to this Saturday morning,
immersed in deep thoughts of getting started,
goes back to the warmth left under the covers.

Windy February Night

Cold seeping inward
Unwanted chilled caresses
Gusty night prowler