Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A November Monday Morning

In the crisp air I step lively to my car,
brushing my hair away from my eye.
I marvel at how Long Island temperatures
can go up and down so drastically in two days.

Surprisingly my muscles aren't screaming at me
after the workout I gave them on Saturday.
According to my son, I was a psycho on Saturday,
raking leaves in the relentless wind and rain.
It was only drizzling and the wind was a help.

I heard you Saturday, despite the wind, flying over head
but could not see you through the thick, heavy rain clouds.
Still, I knew you were up there, creating poetry in the air.
I wanted to join you and I almost did as a gust of wind
shook me from my foot hold on the muddy ground.

I will take you and your poetry with me as I travel to work,
as I breath in the fresh air from the slightly opened car window.
It is a fine day and I have God to thank for that and I have you
to thank, for sharing your good poetry with me....
your poetry with the extra O!


mariposa said...

Nice post! Also, thanks for the compliments on my poem. I'm glad you believe in angels - I do too :) About how many poems I've written, I'm not sure. Maybe thirty or forty? But then there are the poems I've lost, and the poems I've made up in my head & never written down as well :)

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Hi mariposa! Sorry I didn't see this wonderful comment of yours till now. This season has got me all tied up with business! Soo...a belated thank you!
Oh yes....I know all about the poems made up in the head that never make it to paper....I create them somewhere in the middle of the night! teehee

Have a wonderful Christmas!